Stories From Independent Voters: What Do Washington, DC and South Dakota Have in Common?

Today's stories from independents include stories from voters in South Dakota and Washington, DC. If you'd like to share your own thoughts and be featured in a future Wednesday release, click here to share your story.

Here's a question I'm pretty sure you've never asked yourself: what do independent voters in South Dakota and Washington, DC have in common?

On its face, not much.

But about a month ago, I traveled to DC to meet with independent voters. Today, I'm writing you this email from Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

What do these two places have in common?

The people.

In today's Story Segment, we find common threads in different places, and I share an incredible video highlighting independent voters, just like you, from our time in DC.

If you want to be featured in next week's email highlighting the stories of independents, click the big pink button:

Share: Why Are You an Independent Voter?

Okay, South Dakota and Washington DC.

One's a red state, one's a blue state. One's coastal and urban, and the other is inland and rural. One's the capital of our nation and the internationally-recognized symbol of democracy, and the other is probably most known for its distance from the center of coastal power.

But both are places independent voters call home.

And in both places, independent voters like you and me can't participate in that classic, core American right: the right to vote.

As I said when I came back from DC, I skipped right by the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument on our DC trip. Instead, we focused on the real people who call DC home - the normal, thoughtful residents who are denied the right to vote.

Today, I'm proud to release this incredible video of our time in DC. Click below to give it a watch:

I've now been in Sioux Falls for two days, having many conversations just like the ones you see above in DC.

And you know what? They sound very, very familiar.

Sure, the people are culturally different. They have different mannerisms, different life experience. But when it comes down to it, they're thoughtful Americans who believe all citizens should be allowed to vote.

Talking to people like this restores my faith in the future of America.

And I think it'll restore yours too. So take a look and, if you're game for it, share the video above with a friend or two.

Over the next few weeks, we'll continue to release videos of independents from our time in New Mexico (you can see our first two releases from that shoot here and here), and we'll begin to add video from these shoots in South Dakota.

I can't wait to share them with you. But I also want to hear your story. So answer this for me: why are you an independent voter?

Share: Why Are You an Independent Voter?

Okay, Will. That's it for this week's story segment. We're so close to our goal 10,000 supporters and 500 stories by Memorial Day. We're currently at 9,386 supporters including you, and 385 stories. Remember to share yours.

On Monday, you'll hear about an incredible and egregious act of voter suppression in Tennessee. You won't want to miss it. See you then.

If you support what we're doing here at LetUsVote, please know that any contribution - big or small - helps us keep up the work of building a unique and totally new community for independent voters. It would mean the world if you can contribute.

Thank you for all you do.


Will Conway

Campaign Director - LetUsVote