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How did you become an independent? Was there one single moment, or has it always been true for you? Either way, tell the LetUsVote community why you're an independent, and read a few of the great stories below for inspiration. Each week, we'll highlight these incredible stories in the Story Center. Let's see what you've got!

Showing 249 reactions

  • Kevin Conway
    commented 2024-05-05 01:57:04 -0400
  • Kevin Conway
    commented 2024-05-05 01:56:18 -0400
  • Joseph Lalumiere
    commented 2024-05-03 17:38:41 -0400
    Our 2 party system is very corrupt and broken. We need a separate independent candidate in all elections. We also need to reform the electoral college to 1) give percentage of electoral votes to each candidate based on voter results and 2) get rid of electoral college votes (corrupted part of the process )
  • Brian J
    commented 2024-05-01 16:08:54 -0400
    More than considering myself an independent voter, I am a Conservative Christian. Alas, I live in a predominantly “Blue” state. (I’m not sad. I’m simply disheartened amidst our current cultural milieu.) Aside from typically being forced to choose between the proverbial lesser of two evils, we don’t have open primaries where I live. Thus, I am a registered Republican so that I can, at least, participate in half of the piliminary selection process. Now more than ever, thankfully, IN GOD WE TRUST isn’t just a trite cliche! Amen.
  • Penelope Delpy
    commented 2024-04-30 08:16:17 -0400
    Independent votes clearly express distrust of both major political party lines. By lines I mean promises that are not honored, big money spent on campaigns, corruption as the status quo. Independent votes count, dont be deceived.
  • John Parliman
    commented 2024-04-29 22:47:29 -0400
  • Domenick Partezana
    commented 2024-04-28 16:41:55 -0400
    I’m a democratic I do not like Republicans
  • Kelly White
    commented 2024-04-28 07:14:25 -0400
    The important humanitarian issues are put on the back burner for greed in this country. The people who are supposed to care and support this country’s people don’t. They care about their careers, popularity and deep pockets. Healthcare, housing and food, the complete basic sustenance for our country’s people isn’t taken care of! But divisions based on political parties and income has taken this country to be The Divided States of America. I stand with Bernie Sanders and RFK Jr. who are FOR our entire country’s best interests including people who can’t make big political Co tributions. I say take away all of the assistance programs, all of them. Cut way down on military spending. Take all of that money and make a universal income of $3000 per month for everyone 18 and older who make less than $75,000 per year. Along with universal Healthcare to all. No hungry veterans, no starving children, no one dying from diseases that can easily be treated. Caps on housing, medical and food costs.

    Bring these billion dollar companies back down to earth with the rest of us.

    We ve forgotten that power is to help the weak. Success is to contribute something to those with less. Greed is all about selfishness.

    Our country’s leaders have become greedy.

    I’m ready for change.
  • Kelly White
    commented 2024-04-28 06:58:26 -0400
  • Maetta Hunter
    commented 2024-04-28 06:36:23 -0400
    I am not an Independent but a die hard Democrat. I am concerned that Independents gets to vote. especially with all the voters suppression this uear
  • John Hall
    commented 2024-04-27 08:51:54 -0400
    Pathetic is the only word I can come up with when I describe our current administration and the few before that. We, as a nation have been railroaded into believing this is the best we can do. That is wrong! When the left and right got together and eliminated any other party from participating I knew we were in trouble.

    Lets get together and crush this horrific two party system that is sucking our souls dry!!!
  • Anthony Robertson
    commented 2024-04-26 22:02:05 -0400
  • Anthony Robertson
    commented 2024-04-26 22:02:03 -0400
  • John Parliman
    commented 2024-04-26 21:08:48 -0400
  • Carl Feather
    commented 2024-04-26 08:28:44 -0400
    I was a Republican for many years because of the abortion issue, certainly not because Republicans were my “friends” or cared about me as a lower income person. Then, I was hired to work for our county commissioners in tourism. The board that elected me was comprised of two Democrats and one Republican. They were great to work for and appreciated my work. Then, the Democrats, who were hard working and dedicated to all people, became replaced by two Republicans who came into office on the shirttails of Donald Trump’s election steal in 2016 (I say that because he did not win the popular vote). That was followed by replacing the Republican two years later with another like-minded Trumper. The new board was sneaky and focused entirely upon destroying what the bipartisan board created, but they had no solid plan to replace those things with better policies and efforts to develop the local economy. They refused to work with the Democratic elected officials of our county and surrounding areas. They, behind my back, groomed a young, narcissistic Republican for my job. They slowly took away my responsibilities without explanation or changing the job description. I was let go, although my position cost the county nothing (it was paid for by lodging tax). At the age of 64, I was without a job and health insurance. I could not find another job to save my life and had to go on early retirement. I developed a heart condition that resulted in an attack and three months in the hospital, $1.6 million in medical bills that Medicare had to pay and much of it could have been avoided had I kept my job and would have seen a doctor about my symptoms earlier. The commissioners I worked for were sneaky liars. They were smug and over confident bumbling idiots who could not make it in any occupation other than politics controlled by Donald Trump. They lied to me right up until the day they had the administrator give me two boxes and 15 minutes to clean out my desk, despite the fact I had excellent reviews by that person. I never got to retire; the Republicans deprived me of that defining moment in life. Rather, my retirement began with no insurance, two boxes and no prospects thanks to the control they now exerted over the county. I tried to file a discrimination suit, but the federal employee told me it would be fruitless because the board that would hear the claim was made up of Republicans and I would be filing a claim against their party. I will never vote Republican again. And, the Democrats are incredibly ignorant of the largest problem facing our nation, the National Debt. They use smoke and mirrors issues like college load debt, abortion and discrimination to cover up their inability to rein in spending. They buy votes. Republicans already have them because their people own all the industries. I am always finding myself voting against candidates rather than for them.
  • Cherine Bauer
    commented 2024-04-25 13:04:45 -0400
    It’s a simple question~with a simple answer. Long ago, against all expectations of family and friends, I registered as an Independent: because there was no choice to register as an American.
  • Cherine Bauer
    commented 2024-04-25 13:02:25 -0400
  • Cherine Bauer
    commented 2024-04-25 13:02:02 -0400
  • Eric Smith
    commented 2024-04-24 22:36:40 -0400
    I registered as an independent voter because I don’t feel strongly connected to either of the major parties. I currently find myself voting based on the current issues that are most important to me, and that usually dictates supporting whatever party takes action on those issues to my liking.
  • Steve Thiel
    commented 2024-04-24 21:24:16 -0400
    I’m fed up with the 2 major parties who do nothing for the average workers in this country but can send billions to foreign aid give them selves a big raise but can’t balance the budget without threatening social security that we all payed into
  • Sandra Blair
    commented 2024-04-24 14:47:39 -0400
    I registered as a non-affliated voter because I belive that strict party politics have become irrevocably corrupt. I want to see better choices for those who represent us. We are in dire need of a govermental overhaul. Term limits are absolutely necessary. I want the choice to vote for the person who wants to seek peaceful all inclusive answers to the many many problems that face us as a nation today. I want my vote to be counted and have value on it’s own….no more electoral college.
  • Sandra Blair
    commented 2024-04-24 14:40:04 -0400
  • Bobbi O'Bry
    commented 2024-04-23 13:10:12 -0400
    I vote independent mostly. I vote for the guy/gal that I think will actually do what they campaigned to do. I’m not registered independent so I can watch what the corrupt duopoly is doing. We have one of each registered in this house so we get the poop on both sets of crooks. They are crooks. They sit in their billionaire tights and planes and mansions and they do whatever benefits them. They know exactly what they are doing. Another 60 billion they say is war efforts for Ikraine dancing around in chamber with Ukraine flags!! Another country’s flag on US soil flown in our Congress! Yo sway votes to give billions – not actually to Ukraine but to black rock owned war weapons manufactures dressed up as foreign aid and shrouded in a fake “it’s just a loan to Ukraine lie” that loan is a loaded gun to Ukraines head forcing them to sell off fertile lands and oil fields! So much for go green. Ukraine loses this war with or without our help Dems and Reps alike declined to stop war even with very lucrative cease fire terms for all of Ukraine Russia and US! These corrupt companies draining our resources while our people are increasingly more homeless food shortages high inflations camouflaged in lies of “it’s so much better but no where near pre Biden administration lows” these are not gains but people swallow it hook line and sinker as small businesses are shutting down and people starve in our streets funding big corporations with money that would build housing improve medical care and assist to defray food and education s discrepancies. Disgusting! Thats why I vote independent
  • Angela Fritts
    commented 2024-04-23 12:34:40 -0400
  • Frank D'Urso
    commented 2024-04-23 10:02:34 -0400
    I was raised in a wealthy liberal blue town in Massachusetts. I sensed the hypocrisy at a young age but none the less inherited the politics of my parents. I went to a University in upstate New York at the tail end of COVID. The authoritarian control over activities there and extreme left wing politics drove me away. Additionally, I made my first conservative friend and learned that Republicans are people, too! I swung right for a while until I moved to Arizona and saw the devastating control over an undereducated population that the GOP had amassed and was incensed. I started reading news Ground news, an aggregator that takes articles from all around the political spectrum and compares them to eliminate the effect of bias. I now consider myself independent just barley left of center.
  • Sheri Russell-Benabou
    commented 2024-04-23 00:36:02 -0400
    The Republican and Democratic parties have failed us over and over again!! I would love a chance to vote for another candidate who is not crazy right or left, but somewhere in the middle. I’ve always been independent, I lean fiscally conservative, but don’t appreciate the Bible busters and I fully believe people should be able to marry who they love and women should be able to do what they want with their bodies! One decent candidate that we can all get behind!! A man with dimentica and one who can not speak publicly and regularly embarrass this country can not be our only options!! Wake up America!
  • Dr Darke
    commented 2024-04-22 20:51:28 -0400
    I’ve always been one, except when I was an Election Inspector in NY State which required I be either a Democrat or a Republican. I belonged to the Libertarian Party for a while when I was younger until I realized their “liberty” was more for corporations than for people! I broke with my family’s Republican Party when the Republicans chose Ronald Reagan as their stand-bearer, because he was a B-Movie Actor and really stupid, not a leader! I broke with the Democratic Party when Bill Clinton signed Telecommunications Reform Act (with included Internet Censorship for “indecency”!), The Defense of Marriage Act, and Welfare “Reform”, and Ibroke with them completely when Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared to think bashing Bernie Sanders was more important than beating her hand-picked jibroni Donald Trump!
  • Jeff Ellis
    commented 2024-04-22 20:48:22 -0400
  • Linda Garcia
    commented 2024-04-22 20:05:29 -0400
    My story is plain and simple,i do not want to be affiliated with either party. I prefer freedom of my own choice concerning who I vote for.
  • Ann Preus
    commented 2024-04-22 14:47:26 -0400