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How did you become an independent? Was there one single moment, or has it always been true for you? Either way, tell the LetUsVote community why you're an independent, and read a few of the great stories below for inspiration. Each week, we'll highlight these incredible stories in the Story Center. Let's see what you've got!

Showing 249 reactions

  • Howard Hufford
    commented 2024-06-09 11:59:11 -0400
  • Debra Baker
    commented 2024-06-09 10:54:24 -0400
    Watching tv. I am independent voter because it’s for the right person and not because they are Democrat or republican. It’s who’s the best for the country and not just because I am one or the other.
  • Janet Gerl
    commented 2024-06-09 10:44:01 -0400
    Our two party system isn’t working anymore. Our political system has politicians pandering to the wealthy campaign supporters. They talk in public as if supporting the middle class and then behind the cameras work the political system to cater to the large corporations. Large corporations who are destroying this planet to make more money. It’s is and has always been about power and money. Joe Biden is a puppet with dementia and Donald Trump is a narcissistic crook and pervert. Anyone who votes for one of these is a mindless delusional pawn. The two parties are dividing the citizens is this country. Why must there always be a battle of the parties? People blindly supporting the crooked political system. As if either party wants any more from the average citizen than their vote. So they talk one way on camera and the other when with their constituents and financial supporters. It’s sad and it’s ugly. Government was never intended to be money launderers. Take excessive taxes from average people and dole it out to get votes. Spending hard earned taxpayer dollars one useless special interest projects. Funding wars overseas which we have no business in. Spreading money to pet projects all across the United states that benefit a few. A total misuse of what taxes and government were intended to do. Spending in this country is out of control. Politicians spending for politicians sake. Something has to change before I will vote for either party again. I will vote for anyone that is not Democrat or Republican.
  • Roger Kuehn
    commented 2024-06-09 09:53:24 -0400
  • Angela Shawn
    commented 2024-06-09 09:39:49 -0400
    Because both parties are completely corrupt and useless!! All they are doing is dividing us and I’m sick of it!! Our healthcare sucks, college should be free for all!! Other wise we’re slaves paying to be slaved !! Why should the government put student loans on the very ppl contributing to society? Stop all the stupidness!! And stop these politicians from supporting these terrorist . Make America safe . Take these automatic weapons off the street. Quit giving these thugs 3 to 5 years for murder and back on the street. Not mention these thugs out on bond committing crime after crime!!! We need real leaders that put our money to work for us. Not a system we’re paying back student loans to when we should be saving for retirement. And the health care no longer exist. Try getting in to see a doctor under 3 hours waiting and 6 or more for emergencies. Get the stupid UN out of damn business.
  • Katrina Patillo
    commented 2024-06-06 20:00:51 -0400
    Time and time again I’ve seen both sides, Democratic and Republic lie and say they will do for the public but do for themselves and their pockets. The country is in debt and the citizens are suffering. But we have enough for generational wealth for the founders grandchildren’s children’s children, the circulation of money in the wealthy and for Ukraine. While the rest of this country is chewed up and spit out. INCLUDING but not limited to a lot of the veterans that fought the wars egotistical government officials started. And let’s not even get started on the blatant racism this country won’t even bat an eye too until the same thing happening to the minorities happens to the government officials and their families. Then maybe change will be in play.
  • Kate HickeyMcKuhen
    commented 2024-06-06 12:22:06 -0400
    At 18 I volunteered for the 1980 John Anderson campaign. I cannot remember if I was a registered Dem or GOP then, but even at that young age I was not thrilled with the choices. Since then I have been mostly a Republican voter until 2 elections ago when I could not in good conscience cast a vote for either candidate. I am in FL where an Independent is a personna non grata at the primaries, which in my opinion is a travesty because both major parties are horrible options. So I vent and quietly undermine this corrupt 2 party system. InIn protest, I refuse to add my $3 to the presidential coffers…
  • Richard Quandt
    commented 2024-06-06 11:53:16 -0400
    I am tired of worthless career politicians all parties.

    Lies whatever

    A few hate America a lot!

    Yet vote to destroy America.
  • Tim Rea
    commented 2024-06-05 20:00:40 -0400
    When your choices are 2 corporately funded and AIPAC approved parties that have stranglehold on elections at the federal level not allowing any new candidates or new ideas to be brought be for the electorate…nor allowing either parties egregious crimes to be prosecuted especially ignoring the will of the people on foreign policy and environmental issues as well as being held responsible by the World Court….and you have to even ask that question??!
  • Tim Rea
    commented 2024-06-05 19:59:43 -0400
    When your choices are 2 corporately funded and AIPAC approved parties that have stranglehold on elections at the federal level not allowing any new candidates or new ideas to be brought be for the electorate…nor allowing either parties egregious crimes to be prosecuted especially ignoring the will of the people on foreign policy and environmental issues as well as being held responsible by the World Court….and you have to even ask that question??!
  • Jeff Cooley
    commented 2024-06-05 18:16:51 -0400
    I was President of Nebraska Young Democrats in college, Southeast Nebraska area, then on Central Committee and County Chair for Dems in 2 counties. 2006 watching Democratic platform prioritizing many things I didn’t believe in and pushing the labor activism away from agenda I just gave up the fight! The Republican Party has always been for the greed society in Corporate America. Independent makes sense or common sense I should say
  • Bobbie Hicks
    commented 2024-06-05 18:15:50 -0400
    I’m an independent voter due to the two party system not representing my beliefs and failing to place a candidate worthy of my vote. It’s almost always a person over the age of retirement, which by American government standards says you have served your time and are no longer benefiting the work force. I believe that it’s difficult to recognize your faults and shortcomings as we age. By placing the oldest of options in office we all but solidify the status quo’s. I feel like it’s time for a major change and these are just a few reasons why I’m an independent voter.
  • Sarah Martin
    commented 2024-06-05 17:38:13 -0400
    I am 66 years old and pretty much a life long Democrat in terms of my voting choices. They just have seemed to me to be the kinder, try harder to think about the other guy, kind of effort. Environmentally, civilly, economically- they made sense to me.
    I have become extremely alienated by the process of watching one party try to demonize the other. I do not think our country benefits from a 2 party only system.I feel that being an Independent can send a message that my vote is NOT guaranteed!
  • Levester S Chambliss
    commented 2024-06-05 17:33:32 -0400
  • Bob Reich
    commented 2024-06-05 16:54:17 -0400
    To borrow from Reagan, I didn’t leave the GOP, the GOP left me. I backed a few Republicans only to watch them speak, act and vote with the Swamp and Deep State. I actually feel free when I switched to Independent.
  • Bob Reich
    commented 2024-06-05 16:51:17 -0400
  • Ann Maes
    commented 2024-06-05 16:38:33 -0400
    I’m a senior and I’ve lived long enough to see how both parties care more about serving their personal interests than the tax paying citizens that voted for them. I’m sick and tired of voting for the less of 2 evils!! I want transparency in government. I want accountability where my tax dollars go. I want an end to homeless, drug addition, college debt, high cost for healthcare, and no boarder control. I want an end to environmental pollution and fossil fuels. I want an end to billionaire profits while families live in their cars for lack of affordable housing. Nothing has changed for the good with either party in power. I am voting for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. His record shows what he’s done for this country. He’s proved it by his actions. I am certain he will prove it as President!!
  • Joseph Bogacki
    commented 2024-06-05 15:55:29 -0400
    Nothing special, i just don’t like what the dems and the gop has to offer this time around, or in the last few years. I’m sick and tired of trump and biden whining and whining about god knows what. I always think there’s someone that can do better than both of them nimrods. People i know are really blind about certain things. Like some of them worship trump like he’s a god and he can do no wrong. It just makes me sick. I wish they let other parties debate with the dems and the gop because i’d like to hear issues from them too. In my opinion, it’s not a two party system anymore. Thanks for your time.
  • Donna Potter
    commented 2024-06-05 15:33:27 -0400
    I have become so disgusted with Democrats and Republicans, I do not want to be associated with either one.
  • Casey Fravel
    commented 2024-06-05 14:59:04 -0400
    I was raised in small town idaho.While growing up I was raised by a non denominational Christian mother and an atheist father both pretty liberal. My father, mother, and community as a whole taught me young that being educated and well informed will help you in life. With My parents having incompatible religious beliefs, and them giving me 6 siblings, I learned at a young age that you dont have think the same to exist together. I took a mind to science in highschool and really had my mind blow by Einsteins theory of relatively. Since then I have always tried to look at situations and policies from lots of different perspectives. With that I’ve have pretty much vowed to stay an independent voter. I have a powerful belief that everyone is an independent thinker and as a society we should lean into the diversity of thought instead of limiting ourselves to a conservative vs liberal political spectrum. Independent minded people have driven our civilazations sociological growth for thousands of years we should have a system that supports independent voices instead of muffle them.
  • Mj Gissel
    commented 2024-06-05 14:33:14 -0400
    I’m an independent voter because I genuinely believe that it is the most intelligent way to vote. I’m 18 years old and graduated at the top of my high school class. If there’s anything that paying close attention in my government class taught me, it’s that partisan politics will not get the United States to where it needs to be. Both parties are filled with hypocrites who just sit back and watch catastrophe happen, uncaring as long as they get a hearty paycheck from their lobbyists and corporations.
  • Abigail Smith
    commented 2024-06-05 14:24:22 -0400
    I have chosen to be an Independent voter because we need change. The American public shouldn’t be presented with two main candidates who usually have unlikable or untrustworthy policy. There are so many candidates who never make it into the light of the majority’s eye because of the way the Democrat and Republican parties dominate the television and news stations. We need better options and they are out there, we just need to bring them into the light. A revision of the election procedure is necessary, this is evident from the downward slope America is on because of the last few presidental elections.
  • Alethea Moon
    commented 2024-06-05 14:20:58 -0400
    I think I’ve always been an independent. As a kid I raised with extremely conservative parents and growing up those beliefs matched up too closely with the “bad guys” I was learning about in history class at school. I decided I wanted to be part of making a difference for marginalized individuals like me and neither political party prioritized that. I don’t identify with a two party system that leaves no room for nuance. The world isn’t black and white and voting shouldn’t have to be either.
  • Randy Starr
    commented 2024-06-05 14:20:57 -0400
    I left the Republican party shortly after Trump came down the escalator… They treated him so poorly I did not want to be associated. AND if you want to get real…there is just one party with 2 different names….the GOP is full of libs who are out to destroy our country, they have been infiltrating for years…
  • Tina Krauz
    commented 2024-06-05 11:47:44 -0400
    I worked with the DFL in MN and wanted to make my views know. I was told to not say…. I was interviewed by people to change my mind and finally I was told to leave. Mining is a big issue in MN and I was anti-mining. I talked to many others in mining areas and conceded that after 150 years of Iron ore mining, if left alone it could be OK. New mining is being introduced that is more of a threat than the iron ore. This was one reason I lost faith in the party system. I also was a Bernie voter and his treatment by the party twice was inexcusable. Thirdly, the vote for the lesser evil is moronic. If the Party wanted my vote it should offer something I want/need, even if it is a lie! I want to end the cycle of wars, advance the life style of the laborers, work on extreme measures to stop climate change and vow to make housing and healthcare available to all. This year is the best chance for a 3rd party win I have ever seen. The big 3 are all warmongers and Jill Stein is offering everything I care about.
  • Tina Krauz
    commented 2024-06-05 11:25:25 -0400
  • Cheryl Vannoy
    commented 2024-06-05 08:56:23 -0400
    I believe independent s should be treated as any other party . I vote Biblical values not parties. I vote for the individual as a person not a party
  • Timothy Register
    commented 2024-06-05 08:20:46 -0400
    The “vote blue no matter who crowd” is becoming the “vote blue no matter what they do” crowd.
  • William Huntsman
    commented 2024-06-03 15:01:22 -0400
    I have been voting on the Republican side since the mid ’90s, mostly based on the concept of moral lifestyles, and a working class mentality, as in be willing to do the work myself, rather than trusting someone else to do it, I do not vote with my money, to me, that is unethical, I vote with my conscience. 16 of the last 20 years have been a disaster for this nation, in general, that said, there are no real hardcore leaders running for the presidency. And we need new blood in the oval office, someone who rose up in the ranks from a legitimate working class background, served in the military, and knows, first hand, what a real days work is all about, is NOT a puppet, like obiden, unfortunately, none of the candidates have the strength of character to stand alone, if need be. If that person exists, I wish they would run for POTUS, but I will not vote Democrat until many current and former members in the house, and Congress, die off or relinquish power, completely. This year, at least, I am voting for the lesser of two evils
  • David Akin
    commented 2024-06-01 06:41:35 -0400
    I grew up in 1960’s New York in a home with parents registered in both political parties, my father a Union Democrat, and my mom was Republican. Both parties had unique platform planks/issues that were very different from each other, as the years have passed both parties have been “Captured” by Special Interests", and no longer reflect the issues that effect rank and file New Yorkers. We have a “Uniparty” owned by Special Interests that do not have New Yorkers best interests at heart..they bow down to a foreign Oligarchy who owns both parties and control is in the hands of people in a Foreign country, as they fund both parties. They have “Programmed” the NYPD to answer to this entity. They now control our Police and the Military Leadership. Wake up New York…..Your Democracy is gone…we the people must take it back. Thank you.