Share Your Story

How did you become an independent? Was there one single moment, or has it always been true for you? Either way, tell the LetUsVote community why you're an independent, and read a few of the great stories below for inspiration. Each week, we'll highlight these incredible stories in the Story Center. Let's see what you've got!

Showing 249 reactions

  • Valerie Gottschalk
    commented 2024-07-31 19:38:49 -0400
    Neither party is getting much done beyond spending more money we don’t have. Republicans have had a chance for almost 8 years to stand up and make a difference and with very few exceptions, most of what they offer is hot air. Not going to affiliate with uselessness when so much needs to be done YESTERDAY to save this country! I am a Trump fan as he at least tried against tremendous back stabbing odds.
  • Kerry Martineau
    commented 2024-07-31 19:36:42 -0400
  • Vivan Lockwood
    commented 2024-07-31 19:31:50 -0400
    I consider myself an independent as I do not identify with today’s Republican or Democrat parties nor their current policies. I am a Centralist and feel torn by the left and the right. I am fiscally conservative but also support right of choice. The left is too liberal and the right is too conservative. I therefore choose to identify as Independent
  • Adam Prahasky
    commented 2024-07-29 07:39:12 -0400
    In order to get to the truth all sides of the stories must be heard as Walter Kronkite was once quoted.
  • Alan Beavers
    commented 2024-07-05 15:50:25 -0400
    I have seen and opened my eyes to what the dem. and rep. have done to this country and everybody up to John Kennedy would be rolling in their graves at what what these 2 parties have become nothing but crooks and money grabbers and control freaks. They don’t have a clue how this country or our constitution is supposed to be run and the 2 jokes they have running for president are ridiculous its a crying shame. They have made it twice as hard for independents to get on the ballots and they won’t even have them on their so called debates which is nothing more than lies and mud slinging affairs and these nit wit voters are so blind and closed minded as to what is going on with this country biden is a dang socialist which is dictatorship in lipstick which is where this country is headed if people don’t wake the hell up. One instance was when obama tried to get his obama care to fail which is what he wanted it to so they could push their one government ins. on everybody. That crap screwed a lot of people over because they fell for it which raised the people who had ins. to start with to where they couldn’t afford it anymore then they got punished for not being able to afford it. Trump is a racist and a liar biden tries to kiss everybody’s butt and that sure isn’t working like sending our oil surplus to to russia and sending money to iran so they can use it to sponsor the terrorists groups to attack Israel and so forth and so on do i need to say anymore obama was a traitor all his election committee was made up of middle east people who was against America and and so forth.
  • Jim Clark
    commented 2024-06-21 15:38:20 -0400
    I have never been a member of any political party and never will be. One person, one vote.
  • Stephen Wilcox
    commented 2024-06-21 13:10:18 -0400
    I’ve been a voter for a lot of years and I’m tired of voting for who the two major parties say to vote for. With the closed primary system the party and whoever owns it put up candidates and that’s what we end up with. A party chosen candidate. To break the stranglehold the two-party system has on the primaries, independent voting and open primaries are the only way to get out of this sewer we’re in.
  • Sandy Gift
    commented 2024-06-21 11:01:21 -0400
    I am of the baby boomer generation and affiliated with the Republican party for a long time because that’s the party with which my family identified. I stayed with the Republican party longer than I was comfortable, because I was a poll worker for my county, which I enjoyed on a number of levels. As our country became more divided on partisan lines, that divisiveness began to appear in our local Board of Elections. I found this extremely disturbing, left the Republican party and registered as an Independent, though the State of NJ calls us “Unaffiliated” voters which serves to reinforce the partisanship of our politics. I strongly believe in country over party and want to help to push forward election reform in this country, with open primaries being just one of the many initial steps we need to take. I have written a Letter to the Editor of our county newspaper in which I stated that denying 37% of NJ’s registered voter population participation in a primary for which we contribute as taxpayers, is tantamount to “taxation without representation.” That phrase is the one that caught the attention of the newspaper editor…..
  • Annette K.
    commented 2024-06-17 21:41:08 -0400
    I ama conservative leaning person who switched to No Party Affiliation several years ago. My state is one of 10 that have a closed primary, and every four years, I am not allowed to voice my support for the candidate I feel bests represents me, until election time. Other states have open primaries , so it can be done! Many people I have spoken with, are “middle-of the road” and are also frustrated with a two-party system and just want to make their voices heard at the polling booth.
  • Annette K.
    commented 2024-06-17 21:31:12 -0400
  • Annette K.
    commented 2024-06-17 21:30:41 -0400
  • Janice Rossing
    commented 2024-06-17 19:27:11 -0400
    I am a Baha’i. The fundamental concept and reality of Baha’u’llah’s teachings is that humanity is one human family, all children of one Creator, known by different names and understood differently by different cultures, and that all religions are in essence one, revealed progressively over time to uplift humanity and to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization. Consequently, partisanship is divisive, anathema to a Baha’i. I vote my conscience, for those I think most qualified. I am not particularly concerned what others think of me or whether they understand me or not. Thank you!

    See for more information,
  • Anne Brown
    commented 2024-06-17 19:02:08 -0400
  • Anne Brown
    commented 2024-06-17 19:01:41 -0400
  • Justin Byers
    commented 2024-06-17 17:47:47 -0400
    When it came time to vote, I knew I wanted to vote. I wanted to participate in the elections for as long as I could remember. I decided to register for independent because I vote for the best candidate, not based on my party. I also support agendas from both sides so I had to pick a middle party. I’m split 50-50 on many of the political issues so I think everyone should become independent because I feel like the parties limit people’s votes. Many people feel like they I have to vote for the Republican candidate because they’re registered as a Republican and vice versa. I’m the other way around. I only vote for the candidate who I feel is the best candidate for our country. Sometimes I’ll vote for one of the main candidates and other times I will vote for a third-party candidate because I feel like the third-party is better.
  • Anne Lambert
    commented 2024-06-17 17:45:05 -0400
    My family were all Democrats. I voted absentee during the time he was military, but when we moved to New Mexico when he retired I registered Republican, as most of his family was and I voted on a candidates stance on the issues. I didn’t agree totally with either party and was unhappy with the extreme stances. The bulk of Republicans and Democrats are extremists with little to no independent thought.

    About that time other parties began to form and I liked the idea that you had the right to be independent! I joined and, except for the face that we can’t vote in the primaries, have been happy since. My ideas and ideals are mine, and I want to keep it that way.
  • Delphina Thomas
    commented 2024-06-17 17:40:21 -0400
  • John Geones
    commented 2024-06-17 17:33:25 -0400
  • John Geones
    commented 2024-06-17 17:32:14 -0400
  • Michelle Fox
    commented 2024-06-17 17:26:52 -0400
    I was a libertarian and still ascribe to all their tenets, but they endorsed Trump, so I switched to independent.
  • Elizabeth Keller
    commented 2024-06-16 12:53:26 -0400
    I’m ashamed to say that for many years I was a registered Democrat, but I switched to independent 15 years ago. I’m shocked, disturbed and even terrified of the blatant power grabs I see in plain sight by members of Democrat and Republican parties. They should not have this power!!! They’ve manipulated, funded and corralled resources (such as the national news media, technology, our election process) into controlling the public narratives that we see playing out every day. I’m sick to death of the partisan infighting, the tit-for-tat politics, the extreme rhetoric that villainizes “the other guys” creating unending social discord that is DESTROYING American unity and harmony. Remember the days not that long ago when we didn’t all agree on the same world view, but we still lived peaceably with each other? The American people have the right to have our voices heard through the electron process.
  • Valerie Cadman
    commented 2024-06-12 23:33:02 -0400
    I have been an independent voter since college. Back then, I agreed with the Republican party on fiscal issues and the Democratic party on social ones. Now, I feel like the two party system creates such division. I hate that you have to identify with one or the other and base your entire viewpoint on your party values. And it feels like the most extreme party viewpoints are the ones that take center stage. What if you fall in the middle? What if you believe in the right to bear arms, but question the need for semiautomatic weapons? What if identify as Christian, but still think abortion should be legal.? There isn’t currently a place for you. We need to make room for a variety of opinions and human experiences that don’t exist in a vacuum.
  • Frank Porter
    commented 2024-06-12 15:34:34 -0400
    I have been an Libertarian most of my adult life, but have always voted for the person I thought would do this

    Have you/we as individuals join in a law suit to achieve this goal?

    How do I fine other independents in my area?

    I’ve never been a party person, voted for the best person.
  • Shannon Dawson
    commented 2024-06-12 03:09:47 -0400
    I have NEVER ever in my 64 yrs felt I had a chance of having my choice of candidate even coming close to being elected in ANY election!!! Mostly because I have never been a “PARTY MEMBER “ I have been and will always be voting for the underdog!!!
  • Judith Connor
    commented 2024-06-11 15:08:33 -0400
    I became an independent voter after the 2016 election. For most of my adult life, I was a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, as were my parents and three of my grandparents. For me, the Democrats were much more about blue-collar people and the non-working poor. Gradually, however, as I began to explore news sources beyond the mainstream media, I saw that the Democrats and Republicans have more in common than I would accept. I saw this especially when it comes to foreign policy. But it was when the DNC made sure that Hilary Clinton (friendly to corporate interests at the expense of ordinary citizens) beat Bernie Sanders (more invested in ordinary citizens) in the primary, that I left the party. Bernie was the only person who would not do the bidding of AIPAC and spoke out against the abuses of the upper classes. And they made very sure he would never see the office of the presidency no matter what the American public said. So, I’ve been an independent since then.
  • Nathan Thomas
    commented 2024-06-11 12:27:09 -0400
    There are policies from each party that I agree with and policies I disagree with. Each party has drifted further and further toward being monolithic in their governance, and anyone within the party who disagrees is attacked and ostracized by their own members. Independent thinking has become anathema on Capitol Hill. I couldn’t give my loyalty to any party over what I see as common sense lawmaking. I’m independent because I value my freedom to really have a voice in who represents me. We need to have open primaries so that the most extreme candidates from the two sides are not the ones who make it to the final ballot.
  • Ashley Bergen
    commented 2024-06-09 17:08:31 -0400
    As a child, we were taught that our founding fathers left England to get away from religious prosecution as well as a 2 party. System. For over 200 this country has been ran by one of two parties: Democrat and Republican. And it has never worked, nor will it ever. It’s time for a change.
  • Jennifer Sullivan
    commented 2024-06-09 16:45:23 -0400
  • Jennifer Sullivan
    commented 2024-06-09 16:44:58 -0400
  • Leo Heinzel
    commented 2024-06-09 16:07:07 -0400
    Why I Became an Independent